Who We Are
The Brass Liberation Orchestra makes loud on the streets to inspire, instigate, agitate, mourn, celebrate, and communicate. We stand in solidarity with groups and movements who are working for a more just and equitable world. We are a work in progress. We work to build a multigender/multiracial/multigenerational group that enhances and strengthens the culture of the Left.
Help make it happen!
The Brass Liberation Orchestra is volunteer-run and needs your support for things like instruments, repairs, and transportation. Thanks for all of your help!
Videos from YouTube
Group Photos
BLO - @ SFO Airport, 2016
BLO - @ HONK Festival, 2012 - Photo by Henry Zbyszynski
BLO - @ The Farm, 2012
BLO - @ HONK Festival, 2008
BLO - @ Balazo, 2007
BLO at HONK! Festival, October 2006
BLO - circa 2004(?)