Sheet Music For Songs We Are Learning
These are songs that are we are on the process of learning, that haven't been officially 'approved' or 'rejected' as part of our playlist
Sheet Music- Files
- Libertango bridge tenor b flat.pdf
- Libertango c melody.pdf
- Libertango e flat hits.pdf
- Libertango tenorbflat.pdf
- e flat tenor.pdf
- hits c.pdf
- hits.pdf
- libertango bridge bflat melody.pdf
- libertango bridge bflat melodylower octave.pdf
- libertango bridge c.pdf
- libertango bridge e flat.pdf
- libertango bridge eflat alto sax.pdf
- libertango bridge tenor c.pdf
- libertango bridge tenor e flat.pdf
- libertango melody alto sax e flat.pdf
- libertango melody b flat lower octave.pdf
- libertango tenor bflat lower octave.pdf
- libertango tenor c.pdf
- libertango vamp c.pdf
Pineapple Salsa
Sheet Music- Score
- Lilypond Source
- Midi
- Zipfile containing all files
- Parts
- Bass
- Changes
- Melody
- Tenor