B.L.O.'s "Operation: Hey Mackey"

On Sept. 26 2009 members of the Brass Liberation Orchestra and friends staged a dance performance in an Oakland Whole Foods Market. We think it would be lovely if similar events happened at other locations around the country. This page includes resources for your own action such as:
- videos of the action
- flyer (double sided half sheet)
- lyrics to chant
- sheet music
- dance choreography
- outline of the action
Why did we do it?
This action was in response to a recent Op-Ed in the Wall Street Journal by Whole Foods CEO John Mackey in which he argued healthcare is not an intrinsic right.We believe that everyone should have access to healthcare, and that the U.S. should have an affordable public insurance option -- one that assists sick people rather than insurance companies. Mackey's statements seem to indicate that he is out of touch with the reality faced by most working people today and his positions seem contrary to the "sustainable lifestyle" imagery the store promotes.
So, at a prearranged time and signal, we convened in the store and launched into singing:
"Hey Mackey, you're a swine!"
Some of us danced while others passed out informational flyers...and the B.L.O. accompanied with an adaptation of Toni Basil's "Hey Mickey" and added to the commotion! We had a blast, and even got some press coverage for the stunt. The customers and staff seemed mostly amused, several said they were unaware of Mackey's position, and a few even vowed not to shop there anymore.
Here's the video of our action!
Operation Hey Mackey! - Whole Foods, Oakland from Jamie LeJeune on Vimeo.
Below are lyrics and other materials we used.
Here is our flyer.
Lyrics:Hey Mackey You're a swine You're a swine you blow my mind Hey Mackey Oh Mackey, what a pity You don't seem to care We're not as rich as you but we still need healthcare Oh Mackey, you're so greedy Can't you understand It's guys like you Mackey Oh what you do Mackey Don't break my heart Mackey |
Sheet Music: |